Sunday, December 30, 2007

HAPPY NEW YOU: Blogging 101

Provocative New Blog Title here at FC, but will it be enough to coax a few creative contributors out of the woodwork? ;-) We shall see...

For those who aren't yet familiar with the ins & outs of blogging (and I'm a daring newbie myself, if you haven't come to that conclusion already) ~ check out "Experiments in Lifestyle Design," published by my friend and mentor, Tim Ferriss (best-selling author, The Four-Hour Workweek) for some pointers and insights into the process.

Here's one that goes along with the Sexy new theme (well, sorta-Tim definitely qualifies ;-):
The Top 5 Uncommon Timesavers for Bloggers/Writers (Plus: Video of Me Kissing a Hairy “Coo”)

Another handy resource for jumpstarting your blogging career, direct from Internet Duct Tape:
Tim Ferriss’ Four Minute Blog Training - The 9 Rules You Need to Know

I'll work on that... in the meantime, You're Cordially Invited to celebrate the NEW YEAR in style!

LuckyOliver: 3D New Year  2008 spotlight


Join us for a celebration that will stretch your imagination
and catapult you into your own future. 


When:  December 31, 2007 ~ Come & Go

Where:  The Secret Forum

Given by:  SGR Virtual University

RSVP to:  The Universe!

“What is time? The shadow on the dial, the striking of the clock, the running of the sand, day and night, summer and winter, months, years, centuries-these are but arbitrary and outward signs, the measure of Time, not Time itself. Time is the Life of the soul.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Penne Ard 2007 Some Rights Reserved. The author is a nontraditional homeschool mom and Founder/Facilitator of The Secret CO-OP Model Learning Centre at Powerful Intentions. Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of this article, provided the Creative Commons licensing guidelines are followed. Usage guidelines for the accompanying graphic may be found at Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in the article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Founders College administration, faculty, or students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why don't you blog about something important or interesting, like is Founders going to go open for 2nd semester as planned, what’s going on at Founders, ect . . .